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Prof. Dr. Matthias Sutter

Former Member of the International Faculty

Professor of Experimental Economics at the University of Cologne 

Matthias Sutter (born 1968) is Professor of Experimental Economics at the University of Cologne (since January 2015) and part-time professor at the University of Innsbruck. Previously he was Professor of Applied Economics at the European University Institute in Florence (2013-2014). He received his PhD and Habilitation in Economics from the University of Innsbruck, after which he became C3-Professor at the Max Planck Institute of Economics in Jena, and from 2005-2006 he was Professor of Economics (as a substitute for Prof. Axel Ockenfels) at the University of Cologne. From 2006 - 2013 he was Professor of Experimental Economics at the University of Innsbruck.His work has been published in Econometrica, American Economic Review, Review of Economic Studies, or Science. "Die verhaltenswissenschaftliche Forschung (im Labor und im Feld) von Matthias Sutter bietet eine Fülle von Anknüpfungspunkten zur Spitzenforschung im KPB II und bereichert die Expertise im KPB II insbesondere in den Bereichen Teamforschung und Entwicklung von ökonomischem Entscheidungsverhalten mit dem Lebensalter."