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Prof. Alex Kamenev

Former Member of the International Faculty

Professor at the Physics Department and a member of Fine Theoretical Physics Institute (FTPI) at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.


Academic experience:

2009 - present: Professor at the Physics Department and a member of Fine Theoretical Physics Institute (FTPI) at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

2008 - 2009: Professor at the Physics Department of the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

2001 - 2008: Associate professor at the Physics Department of the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis (tenured since 2006).

1999 - 2001: Assistant professor at the Physics Department of the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel.

1996 - 1999: Post Doctoral researcher at the Physics Department and the Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of California Santa Barbara; under the supervision of Prof. Walter Kohn.

1987 - 1991: Junior researcher at the Institute of Radioengineering & Electronics, Academy of Science USSR.



1996: Ph. D. in Solid State Physics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel; under the supervision of Prof. Yuval Gefen.

1987: M. Sc. in Theoretical Physics, Moscow State University, completed with special distinction.


Awards and Scholarships:

2013: Fellow of American Physics Society

2009: EPL Distinguished Referee Award

2008: APS Outstanding Referee Award.

2005-2007: McKnight Land-Grant Professorship.

2004-2006: Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship.

2000: Career Development Chair at the Technion.

1999 - 2002: young faculty Allon Fellowship.

1996 - 1997: Rothschild Post Doctoral Fellowship.

1996: Fulbright Post Doctoral award (United States Informational Agency).

1995: John F. Kennedy Memorial prize of the Weizmann Institute of Science.

1994: Annual Award of the Israel Physical Society for the best Ph. D. student.


Research grants. Current:

2013-2016 "Kinetics of Fluctuations in Nano-Devices" NSF, $300K

2013-2015 "Non-Equilibrium Effcts in Quantum Coherent Superconducting Nanostructures" DOE, $137K.

2012-2014 "REU grant" NSF.


Research grants. Past:

2010-2013 "Electron Coherence and Interactions in Nanostructures", DOE. $360K.

2009-2013: "Large fluctuations in population dynamics in noisy environments", US-Israel Binational Science Foundation $104K.

2008-2012: "Nonequilibrium superconductivity in disordered, granular and hybrid systems", NSF single investigator grant, $285K.

2006-2009: "Electron Coherence in Mesoscopic Structures", DOE (coPIs with L. Glazman, Yale), $480K.

2006: 3M non-tenured faculty award, $15K.

2005-2007: McKnight Land-Grant Award, $60K.

2004{2008: "Non{perturbative dynamics of interacting electronic systems", NSF single investigator grant $231K.

2004{2007: Sloan Fellowship, $40K.

2001{2002: "Quantum Field Theory Approach to Non{Equilibrium Classical Lattice Models", (coPIs with M. Mezard, Orsay) French{Israel Science Foundation (Arc-en-ciel) $45K.

1999{2002: "Anomalies in Disordered Interacting Systems: A Non-Perturbative Approach", (coPIs with B. Altshuler (Princeton), A. Andreev (Boulder), and Y. Gefen (Weizmann)) $102K. 



Contribution to the KPA III: 

Alex Kamenev is a theoretical condensed matter physisists, specializing in quantum materials, non-equilibrium and mesoscopic phenomena.  In Cologne he has a time-proven collaboration with Prof. Alexander Altland. Their most recent works are devoted to the role of disorder in low-dimensional topological insulators. He also always enjoys his discussions with Prof. Martin Zirnbauer,  Prof. Achim Rosch, Prof. Tomas Natterman and Prof. Joachim Krug.