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UoC Faculty of Law

Prof. Adam Bodnar

Foto: Jacek Poremba

Adam Bodnar (dr hab) is Professor of Law at the SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Warsaw. He is dean of the Law Faculty and former Ombudsman of the Republic of Poland (09.2015-07.2021), member of advisory boards of a few international and domestic organizations (International IDEA, OMCT, ClientEarth Poland, Humanity in Action) and member of the Group of Experts of the European Commission on SLAPP. Moreover, he is recipient of a few awards for contribution to the rule of law and protection of human rights in Poland, including Rafto Award (2018) and Rule of Law Award by World Justice Project (2019).

Adam Bodnar is an author and co-author of numerous scientific publications, in particular on human rights, EU citizenship, anti-discrimination laws and rule of law. His doctoral thesis analyzed the multilevel citizenship in the European constitutional space. His post-doctoral dissertation was published in 2019 by Wolters Kluwer and dealt with the institutional dimension of the implementation of judgements of the European Tribunal for Human Rights in Poland.

Publications (5 recent and most relevant publications):

Adam Bodnar, Polish Road toward an Illiberal State: Methods and Resistance, Indiana Law Journal, vol. 96 (2021), pp. 1059-1087

Adam Bodnar, „Für meine Feinde das Gesetz“. Das Rechtsverständnis der PiS-Regierung in Polen, Osteuropa, No. 3/2021, pp. 99-111

Adam Bodnar, System polityczny Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej w świetle teorii konkurencyjnego autorytaryzmu, [Political system of the Republic of Poland in light of competitive authoritarianism theory] [in:] Adam Bodnar, Adam Ploszka (eds.), Wokół kryzysu praworządności, demokracji i praw człowieka. Księga Jubileuszowa Mirosława Wyrzykowskiego [Around crisis of rule of law, democracy and human rights. Studies offered to Mirosław Wyrzykowski], Wolters Kluwer, Warsaw 2020, pp. 119-148, 

Adam Bodnar, The Role of the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Fight for Rule of Law in Poland, [w:] Jakub Urbanik, Adam Bodnar (eds.), Περιμένοντας τους Bαρβάρους. Law in the Days of Constitutional Crisis. Studies Offered to Mirosław Wyrzykowski, C.H. Beck, Warsaw 2021, pp. 93-104

Adam Bodnar, A Journey Into the Unknown? Global and National Human Rights Implications of the Pandemic, European Journal of Transformation Studies, 2020, vol. 8, Supplement 1, pp.  9-25