Key Profile Area: Quantum Matter and Materials
Prof. Fulvio Parmigiani, PhD

Member of the Global Faculty
Professor of condensed matter at the department of physics, faculty of Science, of the Università degli Studi of Trieste
In 1973 Parmigiani receives the "laurea" in physics at the University of Milan. In 1976 he is with the quantum electronic division of CISE, Segrate (Milan) studying the optical and electronic properties of metal clusters. From 1984-1985 he is visiting scientist at the IBM Research Center of San José, CA, working on the electronic structure of supported metal clusters and metallic layers grown under non-equilibrium conditions. In the meantime he starts an experimental activity on the physics of strongly electron-correlated systems and HTSCs.From 1989 to 1990, he returns, as visiting scientist, to the IBM Almaden Research Center, CA.(USA). In 1993 he obtains the full professorship in experimental physics at the Polytechnic of Milan and he works on the dynamics of non-equilibrium electron gas in metals. During the years 1997-2004 he is professor of condensed matter at the faculty of Science of the Catholic university. From 2004 to present he is professor of condensed matter at the department of physics, faculty of Science, of the Università degli Studi of Trieste. In 1998 he is national coordinator of the INFM/PRA “Elphos” project to study the dynamics of electronic processes in condensed matter in the sub-ps domain and team leader of the beamline BACH on the Elettra synchrotron . From 2001 to the present he is invited to collaborate with the LBNL, CA. In 2003 he coordinates the scientific case for the Fermi@elettra free electron laser project, becoming head of the scientific program. In 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005 and 2008 he is national coordinator of the MIUR-PRIN projects on femtosecond time-resolved experiments. From 2006 he is editor of Nuclear Instruments and Methods In Physics Research (A). From 2012 he is editor of PHYSICS LETTERS REPORTS. For the academic year 2012 he is awarded as Zernike professor by the University of Groningen (The Netherlands). He co-authored about 220 articles on the most prestigious physics journals.
Contribution to the KPA III:
Lecture to Master and PhD students radiation-matter interactions using advanced and coherent light sources, such as synchrotrons and Free Electron Lasers.
Joint research activities with Prof. P.H.M. van Loosdrecht and others colleagues in the QM2 area. In particular, Parmigiani will focus his studies on the non-equilibrium properties of strongly correlated electron systems and on magnetics dynamics and phase transitions in high temperature superconductors. Some effort will be also dedicated to plan and design new experiments and instrumentation for time-resolved and spin resolved ARPES (Angle Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy).