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Photo: Photo by Sarah Noltner on Unsplash

Preparatory German Courses

Intensive courses to prepare you for taking up a study program in the German language

The preparatory German courses address prospective students who already have a good knowledge of German and want to acquire the language skills necessary for a professional study program in German. At the end of the preparatory courses there is a recognised language examination for university access.

Course Contents

Starting at level B2 the course objective is to obtain the language proficiency required for taking up a degree program. On level C1 you will be prepared for a recognised language exam for university access.

Course Hours

Semester intensive course: 13 weeks with 20 teaching hours of 45 minutes per week.

In addition to the preparatory German course you can take specific language courses.

Course Plan

Winter semester 2023/24 16 Ocotber 2023 to 2 February 2024
Summer semester 2024 15 April to 19 July 2024

Application and Registration

Course Fees

Prospective students will be enrolled as University of Cologne students and have to pay the semester fee of about 280 EUR (NRW-Semesterticket included). The additional fee for the preparatory German course is 500 EUR per semester. For therecognised language exam for university access there is a fee as well.

Participants in the program of the Academic Refugee Support are not enrolled as University of Cologne students. They do not pay any course fees. Only for the recognised language exam for university access there is a fee.