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Site Notice


The central web server, including its subdomains, represents the University of Cologne internally and externally, provides information and supports the University in the fulfilment of its tasks. It connects the members of the University among each other and with the world. It provides the framework for a coherent appearance, but also serves a forum for the University’s institutions to present themselves individually.

Responsibility and authority

The University of Cologne does not warrant the operation of the website, nor the accuracy and topicality of the information provided thereon. The University of Cologne’s Regional Computing Center (RRZK) is responsible for the operation and primary organization of the website. In the University’s Faculties, the respective webmasters are responsible for the organization of their web pages. The Rectorate is responsible for all general content. In case of doubt, it decides on the admissibility of data. The online editor (Press and Communications Department) is responsible for the server’s central web pages. Apart from that, the members of the individual institutions of the University provide their information independently.

Legal information on plagiarism

Information on plagiarism, its legal conditions and the consequences it entails are available as a PDF-document. 

Data protection

Further information

Note on Accessibility

In accordance with EU Directive 2016/2102 for public authorities, the digital services offered by the University of Cologne are continuously implemented without barriers. The requirement for this implementation was laid down in the Inclusion Action Plan (Link: has been defined.


Netiquette in digital communication at the University of Cologne


University of Cologne
Albertus Magnus Platz
50923 Cologne
Phone: +49 221 / 470-0

The University of Cologne is a statutory body under public law.
It is legally represented by its rector, Professor Dr. Joybrato Mukherjee

Responsible regulatory authority:
Ministry of Culture and Science of North Rhine-Westphalia
Völklinger Str. 49
40221 Düsseldorf

VAT identification number according to § 27a VAT Act: DE 123486767 

Responsible for content according to § 5 of the German Digital Services Act (Digitale-Dienste-Gesetz) and § 55 section 2 of the Interstate Broadcasting Treaty (Rundfunkstaatsvertrag): Elisabeth Hoffmann

Liability Notice: Notwithstanding a careful check of such contents, we assume no liability for external links to other contents. The operator is exclusively responsible for all contents of the linked website. 

Published by:
The Rector of the University of Cologne
Professor Dr. Joybrato Mukherjee


Administration, editing & design of the portal sites:
Anette Hartkopf
Press and Communications Department
Albertus Magnus Platz
50923 Cologne
Phone: +49 221 / 470-2202 / -2922
Fax: +49 221 / 470-5190

Graphic concept and design:
Webagentur Seitenbau


Webserver (technical support):
Regional Computing Center Cologne (RRZK)
50923 Cologne