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The European University for Well-Being thrives on its co-creative approach and wants to promote exchange and networking at all levels. Get involved and become engaged in building EUniWell! Work with us on the step-by-step implementation of a vision in which joint teaching and research programmes contribute to improving well-being in our society and environment. You can contribute in various ways:

  • Student arena: As a group of students, develop joint initiatives on the subject of well-being at the University of Cologne. Network with other student initiatives at the EUniWell partner universities. You may even be elected to the EUniWell Student Board. More information about the student arena at the University of Cologne
  • Events: Take part in events organised by EUniWell. You may keep yourself up-to-date here: EUniWell-Events
  • Arenas: Thematic and scientific networking takes place within the EUniWell arenas and is specifically addressing researchers, but also teachers, employees and, last but not least, students. If you are interested, please contact us.
  • Working groups: In order to integrate as many perspectives and expertise as possible into the structure and development of EUniWell, we are always looking for experts for specific subject areas. The international working groups meet online and work out a specific task for EUniWell. Please contact us directly if you are interested in participating in our working groups.

Contact: Cologne EUniWell Team at the Vice-Rectorate for Teaching and Studies