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Launch your career abroad

This website is intended to provide an overview of the wide range of offers that students of the University of Cologne can use free of charge to prepare for an international job.

The offers are aimed at German and international students who would like to work outside of Germany - this can be in a region of the world that is still unknown to you, one that is somewhat familiar to you, or even your country/region of origin. It is also relevant for students who want to work within Germany in multinational companies or multinational organisations.

The offers range from language classes & cultural exchanges to networking, financial & legal aspects.


Language & Culture

Learning the language and communicating with people is the most important tool for understanding a culture and finding your way around. 


University-internal counselling & services

With its multitude of institutions, the UzK offers a wide range of opportunities to prepare for an international career. Some of the services are listed below:


University-external counselling & services

The following institutions can be useful to you as a student or graduate when launching an international career/working experience abroad. Some of these services are open to all students and graduates and some are aimed at specific groups.