Who are we and what are we here for?
We are the largest community for international students at the University of Cologne!
The International Student Associations pursue the following aims:
- Networking and cultural exchange between students of the University of Cologne
- Assistance and orientation for international first-year students
(residence and work permit, accommodation search, orientation of
new environment, procurement of working materials for the study, etc.) - Exchange of experiences and support during your studies
- Reducing prejudices
ISAC Executive Board 2022/23
Grace Reckling (AVANZA)
Grigoryeva Mariya (RuSA)
Zixuan Wei (VCSK)
Gurgen Ghazaryan (HAY)
Alexander Hryzodub (USAC)
Than The Lam (VSCC)
Qosimov Munsin (ZAG)
Cooperation with ...
... associated student associations :
- Cologne Internationals
- Alevitische Hochschulgruppe (ASV-Köln)
- Islamische Hochschulvereinigung Köln (IHV)
- Jüdische Hochschulgruppe Köln (JHG)
- Association of International Medical Students (AIMS)
- Erasmus Student Network Köln (ESN)
- Cologne MUN Society (MUN)
- Association des États Généraux des Étudiants de l’Europe (AEGEE)
... and our partners:
If you have any questions regarding the International student associations, please contact the board of ISAC by e-mail (isac.vorstandgmail.com) or the International Office of the University of Cologne (ihg