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Health Insurance

In Germany “Krankenversicherung” (health insurance) is mandatory for all researchers and family members accompanying them.

You will need proof that you are insured in order to obtain a residence permit and conclude an employment contract. The policy must at least cover medical treatment in the event of serious illness or accidents.

It is advisable to contact the insurance provider of your choice before entering Germany so that any problems can be dealt with in advance, and you are covered by insurance from the very first day.

It may be worth taking out travel insurance for the first few days in Germany, too. First of all, you should check whether your insurance at home covers medical and hospital costs incurred during your stay in Germany. If this insurance cover is not adequate you will have to take out an additional insurance policy.

If your stay in Germany is scheduled to last so long that you are required to become resident in Germany, please note the following: You are required to possess health insurance cover from an insurance provider licensed in Germany if you are not covered by statutory health insurance or entitled to allowances for members of the civil service. For the duration of your stay in Germany your foreign health insurance cover can be switched to the tariff for the qualifying period.

There are two kinds of health insurance in Germany: private health insurance and statutory health insurance. Which one you can choose depends on whether you will be working in Germany on the basis of a fellowship or an employment contract.




Statutory Health Insurance Provider