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Foto: Fabian Stürtz

Prospective Exchange Students from Partner Universities


Are you studying at a partner university of the University of Cologne and would you like to spend an exchange semester at the UoC?

The International Office looks after student exchanges within the framework of our about 90 university-wide partnerships, and will be happy to help you with all the organizational questions you may have regarding your study stay with us. On these pages we would like to give you some initial general information about your stay at the UoC and in Cologne. You will receive more detailed information from us when you have been officially accepted as an exchange student at the UoC. 

If you have any questions about the more than 300 partnerships at faculty and institute level, please contact the respective faculty. If you are an ERASMUS student, please contact our ERASMUS-Team.



Study offer and application


Courses and semester schedule

If you have questions regarding your course options at your prospective faculty, please contact the "Centers for International Relations" (ZIB):

If you have questions regarding your course options in the Cologne Global Study Program, please contact the CGSP team:

Cologne Global Study Program (CGSP) - Contemporary European Studies


Life in Cologne



Your contact persons of the Division International Affairs

Coordination for exchange students from partner universities worldwide

Nicole Conde (Ms.)
Tina Riemer (Ms.)

Email: exchange-to-cologne[at]


Contact and map

International Office of the University of Cologne

Postal address:

University of Cologne
International Office, Dept. 92
Albertus Magnus Platz
50923 Cologne

Visiting address:
University of Cologne
Studierenden Service Center (SSC), ground floor
Universitätsstr. 22a
50937 Cologne

Interactive map of the University of Cologne