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Studienstart International

Studienstart International:
for all BA students from non-European countries

Britta Schlüter de Castro & Anastasija Pitko received the #cultureofcare Ideas Award for innovative first semester offers for Studienstart International.


Studienstart International is an introductory phase with guidance for students from non-EU countries doing undergraduate courses (Bachelor/State Examination) lasting one semester.


Studienstart International was created for the following target groups:

Studienstart International plus

Target group:
Students without direct access to enrolment
(with access to the Studienkolleg)

One semester before starting the degree programme

Studienstart International integrale

Target group:
Students with direct university access
(acquired by school-leaving certificate and/or studies in their country of origin or a Studienkolleg)

In the first semester

Studienstart International Medizin

Target group:
Students of the Faculty of Medicine (Human Medicine, Neurosciences, Dentistry)

One semester before starting the degree programme


You are unsure of which target group you belong to?

Take a look at: 
•    the DAAD database on admission requirements 
•    at anabin


Do you have any questions about Studienstart International?
Feel free to send us an e-mail: 

Do you have any questions about the application?
Please use the contact form.


Related Links:



For questions and concerns about Studienstart International:

Britta Schlüter de Castro & Julia Richter
Division 9 - International Affairs
Albertus-Magnus-Platz D-50923 Cologne


Address for visitors:
Student Service Center (SSC), Room 0.209/ 0.211, Universitätsstr. 22a