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The International Office of the University of Cologne organizes anually an interdisciplinary summer school on a relevant topic and brings together students from partner universities world-wide. They have the exclusive opportunity to meet lecturers from the University of Cologne and to benefit from their teaching and research. We are proud and glad to also collaborate with lecturers from estimated partner universities and to welcome national and international guest lecturers from external research institutions and companies.

This year, as many universities faced the challenge of adopting online concepts for their teaching, the same applied to the Cologne Summer Schools team. We also had to decide how to tranform our usual three-week full time onsite program to a two-week entirely online program which included four hours of teaching and group work per day. The cultural activities like the city tour through Cologne, a visit to a traditional German brewery and many more were replaced by online activities. Explore the pages and click around to see how we managed this transformation.