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Empowerment for Global Futures

Project Results

PR1 - University of Pavia

Handbook on Best Practices for „International Joint Acceleration Programmes“ (IJAP)

The IJAP Handbook aims to gather best practices concerning the internationalisation of incubators and the establishment of international co-incubators. Through conducting interviews with prospective international startups, we will identify the specific requirements of "born global" startups with an international orientation and assess the efficacy of current strategies in meeting these needs.

We will share expertise and develop a handbook (PR-1) on how to set up an International Joint Acceleration Programme (IJAP), including local networks and stakeholders. We will identify opportunities for collaboration and cooperation between innovation centres and international offices in HEIs. The handbook will provide a demonstration of how HEIs can integrate entrepreneurial and internationalization strategies, using existing startups from all three institutions as examples. It will also outline the necessary infrastructure required to support the development of "born globals." This guide will serve as a reference and model for similar European projects.

PR2 - University of Cologne

Handbook on Best Practices to Support International Students in Entrepreneurship

The second handbook focuses on international students, including refugees and scholars, and examines their specific needs and backgrounds. International students and scholars often have business ideas with an international outlook, which aligns with PR-1. Therefore, PR-2 is set to commence in 2023 to more effectively connect the requirements of international entrepreneurs with the framework of international co-incubators.

The goal is to create a manual for starting up enterprises, aimed at international learners, migrant learners, and academics in both their home and host country. Cultural and linguistic difficulties, limited networks and a lack of knowledge of administrative requirements in a foreign country are often experienced by overseas students, resulting in a reluctance to start a business. Supporting these students therefore requires a blend of intercultural and entrepreneurial skills.

PR3 - University of Granada

Entrepreneurial HEIs – Supporting Female Entrepreneurs

The third working group is examining the unique requirements of female entrepreneurs, and developing a blueprint for improving the way innovation centres and incubators approach women in business start-ups.

The initiative acknowledges that women face varied challenges across countries, accounting for cultural influences. As an ongoing international endeavour, the aim is to create a global toolkit and strategy for female empowerment, drawing on successful startups as exemplary models. The project is currently creating strategies to aid female entrepreneurship in Higher Education Institutions and devising concepts for incubators to assist women in overcoming market barriers for startups. It collaborates with the HEInnovate facilitators group to integrate the handbook as best practices into the HEInnovate toolkit.

PR4 - University of Cologne

Training Courses: International and Female Entrepreneurs

The fourth PR summarises the results of previous PRs by creating clear self-assessment tools for two Train the Trainer courses. These tools will support the entrepreneurial skills of international students, including those who are refugees, and female students. The tools will be based on HEInnovate. The Train the Trainer course for students will be launched during the project's final year through a pilot at the UoC for its target group.

Following the outcome of PR1-3, we are developing a concept and educational resources for a Train the Trainer programme that supports international and female entrepreneurs (PR-4). The resources will be accessible in an online format and can be used by HEIs. Trainers can earn certificates by participating in two five-day workshops held in Cologne and Granada, namely "Supporting International Entrepreneurship" and "Supporting Female Entrepreneurship". The University of Cologne is commencing the execution of the project outcomes by initiating a trial for female, international and refugee learners.

Trainers who have already completed the Train the Trainer program offer bespoke assistance and encouragement to students, using intercultural and entrepreneurial experience.

Multiplier Events

Multiplier events will disseminate PR insights to the local networks of all project partners. Additionally, startups from other project partners will be invited to the event to connect with the local network and advance their international/transnational business concepts.

We will share the outcomes of our actions with relevant stakeholders, including international and refugee organizations, organizations that empower women, other incubators, as well as associations and companies, to establish enduring and stable collaborations.