PD Dr. Filomain Nguemo speaking during the LEAD! Summer School 2023 at the University of Cologne
Dr. Susanne Preuschoff, Acting Director International Affairs during the LEAD! Summer School 2023 at the University of Cologne
Daniela Simut during the LEAD! Summer School 2023 at the University of Cologne
Dr. Georg Verweyen speaking during the LEAD! Summer School 2023 at the University of Cologne
PD Dr. Filomain Nguemo speaking during the LEAD! Summer School 2023 at the University of Cologne
Prof. Dr. Stanislav Kopriva speaking about food security during the LEAD! Summer School 2023 at the University of Cologne
Prof. Dr. Michael Bechtel sharing his thought on the global under preparedness during the LEAD! Summer School 2023 at the University of Cologne
Prof. Dr. Michael Bechtel speaking during the LEAD! Summer School 2023 at the University of Cologne
Scholarship holders of the Leadership for Africa programme sharing ideas with Pia Schauerte from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) during the LEAD! Summer School 2023 at the University of Cologne
Something entertaining happening during the LEAD! Summer School 2023 at the University of Cologne :-)
Group photo of participants during the LEAD! Summer School 2023 at the University of Cologne
During the LEAD! Summer School 2023, participants came together for a week of workshops, discussions and high-level meet ups with the leaders of key profile areas of the university of Cologne.