zum Inhalt springen

Plant Ecological Genetics

Cologne Spring Meeting 2025

18.  - 20. März/ Mart 18 - 20


Medizinische Fakultät

Hörsaal I, MTI-Hörsaalgebäude, Geb. 44b
Joseph-Stelzmann-Str. 52
50931 Köln


We warmly welcome you to the website of the Cologne Spring Meeting 2025 on “Plant Ecological Genetics”!

The Cologne Spring Meeting has been organized since the early sixties as an open event with free participation. The scientific focus of the meeting is placed on a different topic each time. The meetings usually attract a large audience of scientists and students from Cologne, the rest of Germany and all over Europe. In 2025 the meeting will be organized by the DFG-funded tranregional collaborative research center TRR341 "Plant Ecological Genetics".

Further information: https://colognespringmeeting.uni-koeln.de/