11. Oktober
08.30 - 09.30 Uhr
With Julia Nacov, University Hospital Cologne, Germany
In the MAK-5 50+ study, that is performed at the University Hospital Cologne, rapid tests are used to determine which viruses (COVID, Influenza A and B, Adenovirus, RSV) cause cold symptoms in people throughout Germany. The study covers the period of one year and includes 3.162 participants over 50 years of age.
The tests work like COVID tests, but can detect five viruses. The participants receive them by post and report the results online. On the VACCELERATE website they can follow the results. The data is updated regularly.
At two fixed points, all participants test regardless of symptoms (point prevalence). The first point prevalence measurement was carried out on 1 June 2024.
In this webinar, Julia Nacov will present the background of the MAK5 50+ study and the results of both the first point prevalence and the symptom testing.
VACCELERATE, the EU funded clinical research network for the coordination & conduct of European vaccine trials is looking forward to hosting this webinar.
The webinar will be recorded and published on https://vaccelerate.eu/.
Free registration: https://uni-koeln.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEufuGsrjkpGdFZR-IAieAMk-NX77A4nSHI