The University of Cologne previously complied with the obligation of regularly accredit of its degree programmes as part of programme accreditation in cooperation with external…
Postal address:
Q³ - Evaluation, Development and Accreditation Building 209 University of Cologne Albertus-Magnus-Platz 50923 Cologne
For personal…
Publications & Papers
The following list includes publications that have been produced within Q³. In addition to conference papers, specialist articles in journals and conference proceedings,…
First cohort survey
The first cohort survey is carried out by Q³ once after the implementation of a degree programme, usually at the end of a two-year trial phase after the start of the programme.…
Your opinion matters
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The University of Cologne regularly conducts surveys to support the continuous development of degree programs and the quality of teaching. The results of the surveys are used and discussed…
Degree programme and module survey
For the systematic and evidence-based quality assurance and development of all degree programs at the University of Cologne, degree program and module surveys are…
Degree program and module survey
For the systematic and evidence-based quality assurance and development of all degree programmes at the University of Cologne, degree programme and module surveys…
Evaluation & Key Figures
In order to support the regular further development of degree programmes and the quality of teaching, various survey formats and tools are used at the University of Cologne.…
Interdisciplinary surveys
Initial Study Survey (SEB)
The aim of the survey is to provide a better understanding of the different starting conditions and specific needs of new students. In…