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Summer Semester Courses

All core courses will be in "Seminarraum S34" in the Student Service Center (SSC) building number 102.

Basic Module 1 (Core courses)

Economy and Society

Politics and Law

Culture and History

Basic Module 2 (German course)

The courses will be offered by the Department of German as a Foreign Language. To fullfil the Basic Module 2 you either need to participate in the pre-semester course or the regular German course during the semester. 

Pre-semester course: 27 Feb 2023 - 24 March 2023
Semester course: 10 April - 4 July 2023

The pre-semester course is fully online. The semester course will be offered in a mixed format, with the 4 hour session face-to-face and the 2 hour session online.

Elective Module