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Photo: Heiwa Wong

Preparatory (German) Courses for Refugees

We are here for you!

Our consultation hours take place in person AND digitally via zoom!

You can register for consultation here:

You can also contact us via e-mail: :

For the general and linguistic preparation for degree study, the University of Cologne is offering Preparatory German language courses, supplemented with more general Introductory courses.

In order to be able to apply, you need a „University Entrance Qualification“ (Hochschulzugangsberechtigung, HZB) and at least level B1 in German (certificate). You can find more information about the courses and requirements below.

The courses start at the beginning of each semester in April and October. Deadlines are 15th of February and 15th of August respectively.

If you are interested in attending a Preparatory German course, you are welcome to visit our informational sessions throughout the semester. The participation is required prior to your application. You can find the current dates here.

Please note that the application has to be submitted digitally via our application portal.



Course Offer and Application Process