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Living in Cologne

Finding accomodation

Finding affordable accommodation in Cologne can be a major challenge. The demand for accommodation in Cologne is particularly high at the start of the semester. You can find one-room flats and rooms in shared flats here, for example:, or, small flats are also offered on or You can also look at the notices on the notice boards at the University of Cologne, in the regional daily newspapers or place a search advert yourself.

Rents in Cologne are high (similar to other major German cities) and depend heavily on the neighbourhood. Another option for affordable housing is the "Housing for Help" concept.
The Kölner Studierendenwerk and the International Office can also help you find accommodation.
The following links may also help you find accommodation:

•    DAAD Wohnheimfinder
•    Living in Germany Guide (BMWi, BMAS)




Register your place of residence

If you move to Cologne - from abroad or from another city in Germany - you must register your place of residence in person at the Residents' Registration Office within one week.
Regardless of your district of residence, you can register at the customer centre of your choice. The customer centre in Lindenthal (Aachener Straße 220, 50931 Cologne) is the closest to the University of Cologne. Please find out in advance about the documents required for this; please note that foreign documents must be translated into German and all documents and translations must be presented in the original.
After your registration you will receive a registration certificate. Keep this certificate in a safe place; it is an important document that is required for opening a bank account, applying for a residence permit etc.
The staff of the International Office at the University of Cologne will be happy to help you.