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(First Stage Researchers, R1)

At the University of Cologne, you will experience a high-level academic education that will qualify you for both, academia and the broader job market.

At the Albertus Magnus Center, we also offer you interdisciplinary further education and networking opportunities for a successful doctorate. We also focus on the constantly changing needs and challenges of doctoral students in a complex working environment.

We have created a sustainable, comprehensive network of graduate institutions to ensure the coordinated interaction of subject-specific and interdisciplinary training. In addition to the Albertus Magnus Center, this includes the central graduate schools of the six Faculties and the Center for Teacher Education as well as the externally funded doctoral programmes and joint graduate schools with non-university research institutions.


To allow a better differentiation of our target groups, we apply the European Framework of Reference for Scientific Careers:

First Stage Researchers (R1)                Doctoral candidates
Recognised Researchers (R2) Doctorate degree (PhD) holders or equivalent who are not yet fully independent
Established Researchers (R3)     Researchers who have developed a level of independence, e.g. research group leaders, junior-/tenure-track-professors
Leading Researchers (R4)  Researchers leading their research area or field, e.g. full professors, ERC Consolidator or Advanced Grant holders
