H₂-Markets (H-2-M)
Project Application for the DAAD Call University-Business-Partnerships between Higher Education Institutions and Business Partners in Germany and in Africa
University Partners: The American University Cairo, The British University in Egypt, Université Mohammed V Rabat, University of Cologne
Duration of the Project: July 2023 – December 2026
The H2-Markets (H-2-M) project will develop practice-oriented study programs in order to support the development of market ready solutions in the field of renewable energy and hydrogen. Therefore, we will build up a university network of practice-oriented education for the hydrogen industry between Egypt, Morocco and Germany. The consortium will consist of 4 universities, The American University Cairo, The British University in Egypt, the Université Mohammed V in Rabat and the University of Cologne. The four universities are already collaborating on the field of entrepreneurship, as well as on renewable energy. The proposed project will bring both topics together and strengthen the South-South collaboration in order to support the development of a green hydrogen market in both countries. Thematically, the network will therefore focus on two areas, first, studies related to hydrogen (with the two subareas of engineering and economics), and second, courses regarding entrepreneurship skills, which will train students to think market and solution orientated. For these two areas, we will develop new modules for master study programs, develop a three-month “H2-Markets Skills” certificate with entrepreneurial training for the renewable energy market. Furthermore, we will organize exchanges through summer schools and international internships. On the university management level, the project seeks to improve internationalization and transfer structures by facilitating exchanges between all three countries (with a focus of South-South exchange between Morocco and Egypt) and improving transfer through a hydrogen-network with events on hydrogen topics and a platform for internships in the hydrogen sector. The H2-Markets will link the strategies and activities of a network of partners from academia and industry to develop a market orientated study program for future H2-Markets. Our project will cover the whole range of the green hydrogen production chain: the development of renewable energy sources, the H2-infrastructure to export renewable energy, as well as market analysis to indicate global target markets for green hydrogen.
The H2-Markets project will therefore seek to achieve the following aims:
- New Teaching Modules for Master programs: to improve the market relevance of study program, we will develop three teaching modules that will be integrated into the master programs of the partner universities in Morocco and Egypt. One course will focus on engineering challenges of a hydrogen economy, the second course will provide knowledge on energy economics and the evaluation of hydrogen markets, the third module contains knowledge on entrepreneurship and developing market-orientated solutions
- Three-month hydrogen certificate “H2-Markets Skills”: Furthermore, we will implement a three-month certificate at the partner universities with skills training regarding entrepreneurship in the renewable energy market
- Research Stays and Projects: For PhD students from the project partners it will be possible to apply for research stays and material support for research projects. Research project should be developed together with partners from the industry network (see below).
- (International) Internship Program: The project will build up a platform for internships in the field of hydrogen at all three partner universities and build on existing structures for internships. In addition to local internships, the H2-Markets project will also provide several scholarships for internships at a partner country (in Egypt, Morocco and Germany).
- Summer Schools: We will organize one Summer School per year to exchange knowledge on hydrogen markets and entrepreneurship and to increase the exchange between the project partners, especially between Morocco and Egypt. Student are supposed to develop together entrepreneurial solutions for the hydrogen market.
- Workshop Series “H2-Markets”: The workshop series seeks to raise awareness for public and targeted industrial sectors. One of the biggest challenges for the energy transition is the knowledge available for the transition. The public awareness is important in this case to let people know about this new technology, how it will be used, what are the expected risk, safety regulations and related hazards and how to deal with them.
- H2Industry-network: The project will establish a network with industry partners in Morocco, Egypt and Germany. Industry partners will work closely together with the partner universities to develop teaching modules and skill training. Furthermore, they will present case studies and challenges from practice at the H2-Markets Workshop Series. In additions the network will provide internships to students from the partner universities in the field of renewable energy and hydrogen.
Contact Person
Contact Person

Dr. Karim Zafer & Dr. Thilo Zimmermann
Project Coordinators
E-mail k.zafer(at)verw.uni-koeln.de / t.zimmermann(at)verw.uni-koeln.de
Further Information
Global Responsibility
Global Responsibility combines internationalization with third mission in order to spread and transfer the knowledge generated by the University of Cologne in our local, regional and global networks and contribute to global change. Global Responsibility expresses thereby an attitude, which defines the role and the motivation of a university to act globally. It emphazises that all actions have a global impact of which every individual should be aware of. It is the task of a university to generate and spread knowledge in order to overcome old concepts and raise global awareness.