Heft 231e

Manfred Kops, Olexiy Khabyuk:

A Methodology for the Graphical Exposition of Broadcasting Systems,

Cologne, October 2007, ISBN 978-3-938933-34-3

44 S., Price 12,00 €


This paper is a methodological supplement to the Working Paper No. 223e of the Institute for Broadcasting Economics by Manfred Kops: "A Revenue-Based Methodology for the Classification and Comparison of Broadcasting Systems" (see here). It explains the methodology to generate graphs that describe and compare broad­casting systems by means of Microsoft's Excel. The spreadsheets described in this paper can be downloaded from here.

Table of Contents:

1. The Market, the State, and the Voluntary Sector as Alternative Institutions for the Provision of Broadcasting Programs

2. The Revenue Structure as a Main Determinant for the Broadcasters' Program Output
2.1. Financing Broadcasters by the Market, the State, or the Voluntary Sector
2.2. Revenue Structures, Incentives and Program Outputs

3. A Geometric Model for the Exposition of Broadcasting Systems
3.1. A "Magical Triangle" as a Framework for the Classification of Broadcasters
3.2. A Revenue Based Distinction between Three Types of “Pure” Broadcasters and Seven Types of “Mixed” Broadcasters
3.3. Public Service Broadcasting – a Hybrid System between the State and Civil Society

4. Generating Graphs for the Exposition of Broadcasting Systems by Means of Microsoft Excel
4.1. Inserting and Reallocating the Basic Data
4.2. Data Processing
4.2.1.  Description of the "Basic Table"
4.2.2.  Description of the Table "Computation by Broadcasters"
4.2.3.  Description of the Table "Computation by Groups of Broadcasters"
4.3. Generated Graphs and Data Tables

5. Illustrating the Method with a Data Set from McKinsey 1999