Heft 187
In dieser an der Freien Universität Berlin erstellten Diplomarbeit untersucht die Autorin die Marktstrategie von sechs internationen Medienunternehmen: Time Warner, Walt Disney Company, Viacom, Vivendi Universal, Bertelsmann und News Corporation. Sie kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass "mit Ausnahme von Disney ... alle untersuchten Medienunternehmen eine Strategie der Lokalisierung auf den ausländischen Fernsehmärkten (verfolgen). Die offensichtliche aus Kostengesichtspunkten nachteilige lokale Adaption erweist sich gegenüber der Standardisierung als notwendige und erfolgsversprechendere Variante. Eine räumliche Differenzierung erscheint unabdingbar. Der Vorwurf einer kulturellen Homogenisierung aufgrund zunehmender Internationalisierung des Fernsehens ist somit nicht zu halten: Fernsehen ist eine regionale Angelegenheit."
In this final thesis, written at the Freie Universität Berlin, the author investigates the market stragegies of six global media companies in foreign television markets: Time Warner, Walt Disney Company, Viacom, Vivendi Universal, Bertelsmann und News Corporation. She concludes that "with the exception of Walt Disney the largest media companies in the world all know that local adaptation and a host-orientation are necessary in order to be successful in foreign television markets. Not only is standardization prevented by governmental regulations in foreign markets, but local programs promise to be more successful. Not all companies seem to have realized that when they started to go abroad during the 1980’s and 1990’s. However, as the importance of their international television strategies grows, they will continue to further lo-calize."
Table of Contents:
1. Introduction
1.1. Thematic Introduction
1.2. Research Questions and Thematic Definition
1.3. Overview of Chapters
2. Media Companies as Economic Institutions Engaged in Television Business
2.1. Television as a Mass Medium
2.2. Media Companies as Economic Institutions
2.3. Television as a Transmitter of Culture
2.4. The Television Industry as an Avenue for Media Venture
2.5. Television Programming
2.6. Economic Forces Affecting Media Companies Engaged in Television
3. Strategies in Foreign Television Markets
3.1. Motives for Entering Foreign Television Markets
3.2. Entry Modes for Foreign Markets
3.3. Factors Influencing the Choice of Entry Mode
3.4. Variations of International Strategies
3.5. Factors Supporting Entry Strategies Into Foreign Television Markets
4. Strategies in Foreign Television Markets in Light of the Media Imperialism Approach
4.1. Programming Flow Studies and Dominance of U.S. Programming Suppliers
4.2. Media Imperialism Approach
4.3. Media Imperialism Approach Revisited
4.4. Cultural Proximity Through Local Adaptation
5. The Top Six Media Companies and their Strategies in Foreign Television Markets
5.1. The Top Six Media Companies and their Statements Regarding Their International Operations
5.2. Time Warner
5.3. Walt Disney Company
5.4. Viacom
5.5. Vivendi Universal
5.6. Bertelsmann
5.7. News Corporation
5.8. Comparative Conclusion
6. Conclusion
6.1. Summary
6.2. Discussion