The project BIDS-KIDS (Counselling Initiative for German Schools Abroad and Partner Schools – Cologne Initiative for German Schools Abroad and Partner Schools) is dedicated to promoting PASCH (‘Schools: Partners for the Future’) graduates at the beginning of their studies, informing PASCH students about the study opportunities at the University of Cologne and supporting them in successfully completing their studies.
The summer course BIDS-KIDS offers the international PASCH participants an overview of the study and guidance services for the beginning of their studies provided by Studienstart International plus programme.
In addition to the exchange with contact persons and detailed information about application deadlines and requirements (Uni-Assist, Test-AS and certified certificates), the participants will receive an exciting insight into studying at the University of Cologne and life in Cologne.
A recap from the alumni contributions for the video project as part of the summer course.
Project components
The project BIDS-KIDS (Counselling Initiative for German Schools Abroad and Partner Schools – Cologne Initiative for German Schools Abroad and Partner Schools) is dedicated to promoting PASCH (‘Schools: Partners for the Future’) graduates at the beginning of their studies, informing PASCH students about the study opportunities at the University of Cologne and supporting them in successfully completing their studies. Currently, selected DSD schools (which offer the German language diploma DSD) in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru are being addressed.
Online summer course BIDS-KIDS for students of the cooperation schools at the University of Cologne.
Intensive exchange of DSD teachers with teachers in the network programme abroad (internships@schoolsabroad) and experts from the department of German as a Foreign Language.
Webinars to support DSD students' application and participation in digital fairs
The summer course BIDS-KIDS offers the international PASCH participants an overview of the structured study and support services for the beginning of their studies provided by Studienstart International plus in six workshops over the course of two weeks and held via Zoom. In addition to the exchange with contact persons and detailed information about application deadlines and requirements (Uni-Assist, Test-AS and certified certificates), the participants will receive an exciting insight into studying at the University of Cologne and life in Cologne through Virtual Mobility. In addition to an online campus tour, information on student housing and cultural life in Cologne, the PASCH students benefit from the experiences of students of the University of Cologne who have started their studies via the Studienstart International plus programme in a virtual exchange.
El proyecto BIDS-KIDS (Iniciativa de apoyo a los colegios alemanes en el extranjero y a los colegios asociados - Iniciativa de Colonia Colegios Alemanes en el Extranjero y Colegios Asociados) se dedica a aumentar el porcentaje de graduados de PASCH en la fase introductoria de los estudios, a sensibilizar a los/as alumnos/as de PASCH sobre las oportunidades de estudio en la Universidad de Colonia y a apoyar posteriormente a su éxito en los estudios. Actualmente, se les da prioridad a las escuelas seleccionadas en Bolivia, Brasil, Colombia, Ecuador y Perú, donde se realiza el DSD.
Curso de verano BIDS-KIDS digital para alumnos/as de escuelas de cooperación de la Universidad de Colonia.
Intercambio intensivo de profesores/as DSD con profesores/as del programa de la red internships@schoolsabroad en el extranjero y expertos/as del departamento de alemán como lengua extranjera.
Webinarios para apoyar a los/as alumnos/as DSD en el proceso de aplicación y participación a ferias digitales.
El curso de verano BIDS-KIDS ofrece a los/as participantes de PASCH una visión general de los servicios de estudio y apoyo que ofrece el Studienstart International plus en seis talleres repartidos en dos semanas a través de Workshops por Zoom. Además del intercambio con personas de contacto e información detallada sobre los plazos y requisitos para el proceso de aplicación (Uni-Assist, Test-AS y certificados) la movilidad virtual ofrece a los/as participantes una visión apasionante de los estudios en la Universidad de Colonia y la vida en Colonia. Además de una visita digital por el campus, una aportación temática sobre el alojamiento y la vida cultural en Colonia, los/as alumnos/as de PASCH se beneficiarán del intercambio virtual de experiencias de estudiantes de la Universidad de Colonia que han comenzado sus estudios a través del programa Studienstart International plus.
O projeto BIDS-KIDS (Iniciativa de apoio às escolas alemãs no exterior e escolas parceiras - Iniciativa de Colônia às Escolas alemãs no exterior e escolas parceiras) é dedicado a auxiliar os alunos graduados de escolas PASCH na fase de ingresso na universidade, conscientizando os alunos sobre as oportunidades de estudo na Universidade de Colônia e fornecendo um apoio consistente para seu sucesso acadêmico. Atualmente, é dada prioridade a escolas DSD selecionadas na Bolívia, Brasil, Colômbia, Equador e Peru.
Curso de verão digital BIDS-KIDS para os alunos das escolas em cooperação com a Universidade de Colônia
Intercâmbio intensivo de professores da DSD com o docentes do programa internships@schoolsabroad e especialistas do departamento de alemão como língua estrangeira.
Webinars para apoiar a aplicação de alunos de DSD e participação em feiras digitais.
O curso de verão BIDS-KIDS oferece aos alunos internacionais participantes do PASCH uma visão geral do estudo estruturado e dos serviços de apoio oferecidos pelo Studienstart International plus. Isto ocorre através de seis workshops distribuídos ao longo de duas semanas e realizados via Zoom. Os participantes tem a oportunidade de conhecer as diferentes pessoas responsáveis pelo ingresso de estudantes internacionais, assim como recebem informações detalhadas sobre os prazos e requisitos de inscrição (Uni-Assist, Test-AS e demais certificados). Além disso, os participantes recebem uma visão empolgante dos estudos na Universidade de Colônia e da vida em Colônia através da Mobilidade Virtual. Além de um tour digital pelo campus universitário, de informações temáticas sobre moradia estudantil e vida cultural em Colônia, os alunos da PASCH se beneficiarão da troca virtual de relatos de experiência dos estudantes da Universidade de Colônia que iniciaram seus estudos através do programa Studienstart International plus.
You can download the PDF versions of the texts here.
Review of past summer courses
expand: Visit to the Cologne Cathedral expand: BIDS-KIDS-Alumni in front of the Cologne Cathedralexpand: Sporty at the football picnic expand: Brainstorming to create lyrics for our 1st rap...expand: ... and our 1st music video expand: One last joint event: the graduation ceremony.
expand: Our 1st online BIDS-KIDS course expand: Creative project with a focus on photography expand: Workshop on ‘Intercultural Awareness’ expand: Use of various online tools such as Mural, Zoom... expand: ... This is what digital collaboration looks like. expand: Information lectures on ‘Studying in Germany/Cologne’
expand: Our second online summer course... expand: Using Mural for the creative project expand: Schoolyard at expand: Creative project on the topic of ‘dreams, happiness and satisfaction’expand: Information lecture on ‘Living in Cologne’ expand: The alumni and their certificates at the graduation ceremony