Teaching about fan culture is not just a mode of imparting knowledge, but also essential for recruiting and training next generation researchers.
Classes or sessions taught about fan culture in the silent era or related/neighbouring subjects since the approval of the application by the German Research Foundation in October 2022:
- »Fankulturen: Zur Analyse von Fantum in Theater, Literatur und Kino« (Fan Cultures: Analyzing Fandom in Theatre, Literature and Cinema, Stephan Michael Schröder, Department of Scandinavian and Finnish Studies, summer semester 2023)
- »Das nordeuropäische Stummfilmkino: Geschichte und Forschungsperspektiven« (The Northern European Silent Cinema: History and Research Perspectives, Stephan Michael Schröder, Department of Scandinavian and Finnish Studies, winter semester 2023/24) (with one session especially dealing with the emergence and establishment of film fandom in the silent era)
- Session about early film fan culture in: »Frauen in der Bildproduktion um 1900: Leerstellen und Spuren im Archiv« (Women in picture production around 1900: Gaps and traces in the archive, Kristina Köhler, Department of Art History, winter semester 2023/24)
- Presentation of our project as part of the study orientation week, University of Cologne, 22.01.2024
- »Fankulturen im Theater« (Fan Cultures in the Theatre, Peter W. Marx & Stephan Michael Schröder, Institute for Media Culture and Theatre & Department of Scandinavian and Finnish Studies, winter semester 2024/25)
(Det hemmelighedsfulde X (Sealed Orders, Denmark 1913))