Fan shop

Every fan project needs, of course, its own fan merchandise. So here are a some fan items you might want to get your hands on. If you would like other fan merchandise, just let us know!
(And no, this fan shop is not meant to be completely serious – some of the items exist, others are more like feasibility studies.)

Christmas baubles with Olaf Fønss and Clara Wieth – hang your stars in the Christmas tree!

Olaf Fønss cushion – for a good night's sleep

Boule balls with inscription ›Valdemar Psilander‹ in laurel wreath

Your star is always coming back: Boomerang with Clara Wieth

Light your fire with your favourite film star!

Spread your enthusiasm: Postcard with project logo and information

Fridge magnets

Old-fashioned fan merchandise: T-shirt with project logo


Let's toast to the project: Mugs with project logo


(DFI, Clara Wieth collection, no. 3)