News archive

▹ fan letter of the month: February


▹ fan letter of the month: January


▹ tile ›fan shop‹ unlocked


▹ fan letter of the month: December
▹ ›talks & presentations‹ updated and poster added


▹ new student assistants (Lotta Niesig and Jans Magnus Nikolaus) have joined the project  


▹ new student assistant (Carina Eltrich) has joined the project  
▹ new fan letter by Maria Stamberg  
▹ announcement of class about »Fan cultures in the theatre« (winter semester 2024/24)  
▹ program of the conference »Fans in the theatre? About unbeloved fannish spectators and theatre's self-image 1860–1920« has been updated and final poster has been added


▹ New graphs about Betty Nansen's fan mail

▹ Presentation of our project in the Method Lab of the AG Partizipations- und Fanforschung (03.05.2024)
▹ Talk about »Datenprozessierung und -visualisierung. Ein Werkstattbericht aus dem Fanbrief-Projekt« (»Dataprocessing and datavisualization: A workshop report from the fanmail project«), Cologne 08.06.2024


▹ Tile with the interface to our MySQL database activated, which is currently being created in the course of recording the letters. (Until further notice, however, access is limited to project members with a login and password.)


▹ Three new tiles (›media review‹, ›data base‹, and ›fan shop‹) are added
▹ The tiles ›conferences‹ and ›media review‹ are unlocked
▹ Pictures are added in ›Talks & presentations‹
▹ Announcement of our first conference in autumn 2024


▹ Presentation of our project as part of the study orientation week, Cologne 22.01.2024 


▹ Our project is mentioned in Flensborg Avis, 24.11.2023
▹ Valdemar Psilander's statements on his fan mail are added


▹ Our project is presented on the AG Partizipations- und Fanforschung's website
▹ New publication: Alice Salamena/Stephan Michael Schröder: »How ›Danish‹ were Danish Stars in Germany during the Silent Era?«
▹ The tile with ›Teaching‹ is now unlocked 
▹ New announcement of talks and presentations in Lübeck (2023), Cologne (2023) and Copenhagen (2024)


▹  Our project is presented in the KINtop-Newsletter no. 55, 12.06.2023


▹ The tile with third hand accounts is now unlocked
▹ English translations of the selected fan letters are provided
▹ Three more fan letters are added


March 2023:
▹ Website launch