Beiträge zur 3. Kölner Afrikawissenschaftlichen Nachwuchstagung (KANT III)
Herausgegeben von
Larissa Fuhrmann, Lara Buchmann, Monia Mersni, Nico Nassenstein,
Christoph Vogel, Mona Weinle, Andrea Wolvers
am Institut für Afrikanistik der Universität zu Köln, 2011
Religion, Ethnologie, Geschichte
1. Zongo/Muslim Communities among the Ashanti in Ghana
Benedikt Pontzen, Berlin Graduate School of Muslim Cultures and Societies
2. Familienrechtsreformen in Mali und Marokko als demokratischer Prozess
Tobias Moerike, FU Berlin
3. Differenz und Dialog. Alteritätskonzepte in der Mande-Oratur und frankophonen Literatur
Anne Schelhorn, HU Berlin
4. Schooling in Hamar in the South Omo Zone
Maria Niebling, Universität Leipzig
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The south-western part of Ethiopia has a huge variety of diverse cultures. 17 ethnic groups with different languages live as pastoralists and peasants in the South Omo Zone with an extent of 22.000km² (Lydall 2000: 42). In the last three decades the life of these traditional living residents has changed rapidly. Before that, the region near the Kenyan and Sudanese border was quite unavowed and difficult to access. Today, tourists visit the newly build markets in the towns of Dimeka and Turmi. The tourists come to see the exotic Mursi women wearing lip-plates and the Leap over the cattle of the Hamar.
Missions, NGOs and government development programs are present in the region, working on peacemaking processes and preventing harmful traditional practices. However, one focus of these institutions is education, especially since the NGO ‘Save the Children Norway-Ethiopia’ (Redd Barna) started a new education program called Alternative Basic Education (ABE). Redd Barna builds schools in the settlements of Hamar and tries to get more children in schools aside from the already existing national-state schools. Schooling in the South Omo Zone takes place in two different ways and can be differentiated in formal and non-formal education (South Omo Zone Educational Office 2007).
This paper poses an embedded analysis of the socialisation of the Hamar and the effects of the different kinds of schools in the South Omo Zone. The following research questions are approached:
- Are both concepts of schooling approved by the Hamar?
- How is schooling comprised in the socialisation of the Hamar?
The effects and changes by schools are described by life paths and in the wider complex of modernisation, urbanisation and tourism industrialisation.
5. WM 2010 in den deutschen Medien: Die Rückkehr der Zombies
Marilena Thanassoula/John Emeka Akude, Universität zu Köln/Universität Berlin
6. Tourismus und Nachhaltigkeit in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit am Beispiel von Mosambik
Frederike Hassels, Universität Eberswalde
7. Micro Health Insurance and HIV/AIDS: Challenges and Opportunities - The Case of Botswana
Christina May, Universität zu Köln
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Ill health is both one of the most important reasons for and one of the most important consequences of poverty (Narayan-Parker 2002). Micro health insurance (MHI) – insurance especially designed for low-income households – is a mechanism to protect poor people from falling deeper into poverty due to high health care costs (Leppert forthcoming; Preker et al. 2002). In sub-Saharan Africa, the number of MHI schemes has been growing steadily during the last years. However, in many sub-Saharan countries, these schemes face special challenges; among others the high prevalence of HIV/AIDS in the region (Leppert forthcoming).
This paper covers two aspects of the connection of MHI and HIV/AIDS: On the one hand, it shows how HIV/AIDS challenges the existence of MHI schemes; on the other hand, it presents the opportunities MHI involves for addressing HIV/AIDS and related problems. The first part of the paper describes the different HIV/AIDS-related services MHI schemes can include into their portfolio. On which of these numerous possible interventions MHI schemes should focus and how they should be designed depends heavily on the nature of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the specific setting and the actions taken by the government and/or civic society. Therefore, the second part of this paper exemplifies how MHI can complement existing programs by presenting the key results of qualitative field work conducted in Botswana – one of the Sub-Saharan countries hit hardest by the HIV/AIDS epidemic – in 2008.
8. Zwangsumsiedlung zwischen Apartheid und Fussballweltmeisterschaft
Katharina Loeber, HU Berlin
9. „Nie noch hat akademische Bildung einem geborenen Kolonisator geschadet“ - Die Kölner Hochschulen und das koloniale Projekt
Anne-Kathrin Horstmann, Universität zu Köln
10. Mobilität von Jäger-/Sammlergruppen in Äthiopien Rolle der Harro
Fabienne Braukmann, (Universität zu Köln)
11. Herbalists and the production of differences to “tradition“ and “modernity“ in Kinshasa
Valérie Liebs, Universität Mainz
12. Die Ruga-Ruga im Gewaltmarkt des vorkolonialen Ostafrika im 19. Jahrhundert
Stephanie Zehnle, Universität Gießen