5.-7. November 2010

Beiträge zur 3. Kölner Afrikawissenschaftlichen Nachwuchstagung (KANT III)

Herausgegeben von
Larissa Fuhrmann, Lara Buchmann, Monia Mersni, Nico Nassenstein,
Christoph Vogel, Mona Weinle, Andrea Wolvers
am Institut für Afrikanistik der Universität zu Köln, 2011

13. Die oralen Erzählungen der Sukuma in Tansania im Zeitalter der Globalisierung

Manuela Kierberg, Universität Leipzig



14. Sleeping Beauty – Explaining the Legalization of Democracy Standards in the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)

Kai Striebinger, FU Berlin

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In the fairy ‘Sleeping Beauty’ the princess Helen is put to sleep for one hundred years – until a charming prince kisses her awake. Far from being princesses, African regional organizations (RO) have experienced a long period of abandon, although not lasting one hundred years. Far from being princes, member states (MS) have started to give new life to their regional integration projects. While in the original fairy, a wicked witch was responsible for the long sleep (and a good one for the ending of the spell), the history of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), the most prominent West African regional organization, is far from being pre-determined. This paper therefore addresses the question who the princes were; or: how and under which conditions African regional organizations legalize democracy standards.


15. Adaptierte Demokratie Kwasi Wiredus Referenz auf lokale Tradition

Stefan Skupien, HU Berlin

16. Foreign Farmland Acquisition- Controlling „Landgrabs“; Threats and Opportunities for the Local Level and Regulatory Measures

Dennis Keller, London School of Economics

17. Causes of the Congolese Civil Wars and their implications for Humanitarian Assistance

Christoph Vogel, Universität zu Köln

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In the present article I will undertake the effort to provide some of the underlying theoretical explanations to the Congolese civil wars between 1996-1997, 1998-2001 and the following period of smouldering conflict in the country. Accordingly the major developments in these periods shall be presented together with a broader historical sketch and analysed afterwards forasmuch as they appeared to have a shaping role for the involvement of humanitarian actors.


18. Explaining alignments in the Congo Wars (1996-2009): Governments, Rebel groups, and Power Politics in Central Africa

Henning Tamm, University of Oxford

19. “Women's rights and gender equality” im Kontext des Islam, am Beispiel des Nord Sudan

Larissa-Diana Fuhrmann, Universität zu Köln

20. Multinationale Unternehmen - Chancen und Risiken für Entwicklungsländer

Joschka Havenith, Universität zu Köln

21. Sprachgebrauch in mehrsprachigen Familien: Eine exemplarische Darstellung am Beispiel von Kamerunischen Migrantenfamilien in Deutschland

Hervé Tamko, Universität zu Köln

22. Personenkult um Paul Biya im Rahmen des Cinquantenaire in Kamerun

Kathrin Tiewa, Universität Mainz

23. Global Power Shift, Subproject Diplomacy, „Ziele und Methoden der chinesischen Afrikapolitik, dargestellt am Beispiel Sambia“

Gunnar Henrich, Universität Bonn

24. Pipes, Institutions and Politics: Political Dynamics of the Water Sector Reform in Tanzania

Daniel Nordmann, Philipps-Universität Marburg

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In 2010 the United Nations declared access to water and sanitation a human right. However, in Tanzania at least half of the population is still deprived of basic water and sanitation services, with devastating consequences for economic and human development. Low performance of the water sector is rooted in a lack of effective institutions and organizations delivering water services. Although in 2002 the Government of Tanzania adopted a progressive water policy to improve service provision, the outcome of the reforms has not yet lived up to expectations. This article argues that it is not only the lack of qualified personnel or finance, but rather political factors which matter for the implementation of a water policy and the delivery of water services. Using an empirical case study, the article will show that organisational politics and micropolitical conflicts triggered by institutional changes and weak commitment have undermined implementation of current water sector reforms in Tanzania. Therefore, it is recommended that “technical” cooperation agencies consider the political environment of their interventions and apply a process-oriented approach to policy advice. Fixing pipes and implementing institutional changes depends on getting the politics of reforms right.


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