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For scholars, scientists & staff

Besides broad student commitment, the understanding and commitment of scholars, scientists and staff is also necessary in order to succeed in the transformation toward a sustainable university. All those who want to actively participate in this process will find below an overview of the various participation options at the University of Cologne. If you are interested, feel free to contact us directly and we will provide further information.

Working Group Research, Teaching & Waste Management

Based on the first Sustainability Forum at the University of Cologne in February 2023, various interdisciplinary working groups have evolved that promote sustainability in coordination with the Sustainability Office and the sustainability strategy for selected areas of the University of Cologne. These include the groups for research, teaching and waste management, which are happy about contributions. If you are interested and need more information, please contact the Sustainability Office at

Working Group Sustainability

The Working Group Sustainability was set up by the academic staff of University Medicine Cologne and is made up of committed employees of the University Hospital Cologne and the university's Faculty of Medicine. The group aims to reach out to all members of the faculty and university hospital and encourage them to participate, so they are always happy to welcome new committed members. Together, the working group would like to contribute to making the campus a place of sustainable work and action.

Instagram: @ag.nachhaltigkeit


The CampusGarten is a project of the student union AStA of the University of Cologne, and was initiated by students. Everyone can visit the garden – for gardening, discovering, relaxing. Vegetables, herbs and fruit are planted in order to produce food in a climate-neutral, cost-effective and ecological manner. In addition, various workshops on garden topics are offered as well as events to exchange experiences. No prior knowledge is necessary. The group is always happy to welcome new members and you can participate in different areas.

Instagram: @campusgartenkoeln

Scientists for Future

(Initiative related to the UoC)

Scientists for Future is an interdisciplinary association with its own rules and regulations that unites scholars and scientists from different institutions who are committed to a sustainable future. The Cologne-Bonn Regional Group consists of around 170 scholars and scientists from a wide range of disciplines; they are committed to taking swift and decisive action to overcome the current climate, biodiversity and sustainability crisis by sharing their expertise, offering advice and raising awareness.

Instagram: @s4f_koeln_bonn

Sustainability map of the UoC (GER)

A pilot project by students in cooperation with the Sustainability Office and Service Learning will provide interested parties with an initial guide to organisations, initiatives and offers relating to sustainability on the University of Cologne campus. The sustainability map shows and locates various projects that are committed to environmental and climate protection as well as social responsibility and invites you to find out more. Institutions/initiatives are welcome to contact the Sustainability Office by e-mail to add an entry.

Further information

Sustainability Wiki (GER)

Are you looking for practical tips on sustainability in everyday university life or would you like to share helpful information with the university community? The Sustainability Wiki of the Research Group now offers everyone the opportunity to collect practical information on sustainability topics at the University of Cologne and to build up a general knowledge database step by step.

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Energy conservation at the UoC

The University of Cologne wants to and has to save energy. It is therefore participating in the nationwide energy saving campaign in order to contribute to a climate-friendly and crisis-proof energy supply. Saving together makes us strong. Remember: We can make a difference!

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10 tips for a more sustainable working day

It does not always have to be the very big changes that lead to more sustainability in society. We can all make a difference, even with small changes – especially if we act together.

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Digital CleanUp

Ungenutzte digitale Daten erhöhen den Energieverbrauch und den CO₂-Fußabdruck der Universität. Durch das gezielte Löschen unnötiger Dateien, E-Mails und Dokumente wird nicht nur Speicherplatz freigegeben und Ordnung geschaffen, sondern auch Energie gespart.

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