How the university combines energy saving and sustainability
As a public institution, the university is committed to efficient energy management and climate protection. This applies to the management of existing buildings and to planned buildings as well as to the university’s academic and social activities.
Knowledge about the scientific, sociological, and economic effects of climate change and energy scarcity lies to a large extent in academic institutions. From there, it is necessary to influence society: Informing the public, cooperating with social actors and, last but not least, researching the complex interrelationships of climate change and energy production as well as supply are among the tasks of the University of Cologne.
Management of existing buildings
The campus will be energy-optimized with the help of efficient supply concepts as stipulated in the University's Master Plan 2030. In particular, the fulfilment of climate protection laws in combination with an economic building operation concept is the goal of all future building projects.
Legal requirements
The University of Cologne follows the legal energy efficiency standards:
- The "Short-term Energy Supply Assurance Measures Ordinance - EnSikuMaV" is binding for us. It is in force from 1 September 2022 through 28 February 2023.
- Circular Decree on Energy Efficient Operation and Use of Buildings of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia
- The short "Verordnung zur Sicherung der Energieversorgung über mittelfristig wirksame Maßnahmen - EnSimiMaV" (Ordinance on Energy Efficiency in Buildings - EnSimiMaV) obliges us to check and optimise heating systems. The ordinance is in force from 1 October 2022 through 30 September 2024

Facts and Figures: Energy Conservation and Sustainability at the UoC

Saving energy in building management

Saving energy in new buildings and through renovations
Contact us!
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