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Offers for Postdocs

The following training, networking and information events are open to all postdocs at the University of Cologne and are free of charge. They are organized by career phase for Recognized Researchers (R2) and Established Researchers (R3).

In addition to the events listed here specifically for postdocs, you will find many other offers in the Continuous Development Programme of the University of Cologne in which you can participate.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us at

Recognized Researchers (R2)

Doctorate degree (PhD) holders or equivalent who are not yet fully independent


Academic career planning

Non-academic career planning

Ledership & Management

Further recommended offers

E-Learning Offers

Our e-learning courses offer you the opportunity to take advantage of compactly developed further training courses regardless of time and place.

Established Researchers (R3)

Researchers who have developed a level of independence, e.g. research group leaders, junior-/tenure-track-professors


On the way to professorship

Leadership & Management

Further recommended offers

E-Learning Offers

Our e-learning courses offer you the opportunity to take advantage of compactly developed further training courses regardless of time and place.