March 25, 2025
Data privacy stmt.
Software available from our group
NOTE: By accessing the
links on this page you accept our conditions concerning copyright,
warranty, and liability contained in this
ThermoC: a modular program package for the
calculation of thermodynamic properties—volumetric, caloric,
phase equilibria—of pure fluids and binary mixtures with
arbitrary equations of state.
This software cannot be downloaded from this website.
Please contact us for an installation package!
The ThermoC website contains
an online installation of the ThermoC program
package: It is possible to perform some test
calculations, including parameter fitting!
mathC: a package of
mathematical subroutines required by all our software
(The package includes our fast root finders for cubic, 4th,
and 5th order polynomials.)
download possible
an object-oriented program for Monte Carlo
simulations of mixtures of molecular species, with a range
of pair potentials
This software cannot be downloaded from this website.
Please contact us for an installation package!
ArchiTeX: a portable text processor. It uses an
XML-capable editor (Emacs, XEmacs with the PSGML plugin)
to provide comfortable, menu-driven control of text
formatting, then produces LaTeX code and finally PostScript
code for high-quality output.
Grafix: an XML-based
portable diagram editor, which can handle sub- and
superscripts in labels and still align or center them properly,
do on-the-fly transformations or curve fittings with arbitrary
functions, and produce high-quality, scalable PostScript
download possible