Media Bias in the Internet - Impartiality and Variety of Media (content)
The lecture event of the Institute for Broadcasting Economics in cooperation with the Institute for Media Law took place on the 19th August 2015 at the University of Cologne. There were about 180 participants from science and media economics practice, together with journalists and lawyers. The conference dealt with:
Media Bias in the Internet - Impartiality and Variety of Media (content).
After a short welcome speech of the director of the Institute for Media Law, Professor Karl-Nikolaus Peifer, the first part of the conference, which took place in the morning, was about the juridical scope and supervisory practice. Concerning this, Professor Roland Bornemann (legal advisor of the Bavarian Media Authority for New Media) explained different existing laws. Subsequently Professor Gabriele Siegert (University of Zürich) focused on phenomenons of media bias. The following lecture of Professor Johannes Münster (Director of the Institute for Broadcasting Economics) concerned the perspectives of media economics. Professor Volker Lilienthal (University of Hamburg) dealt with implications of journalism.
In the afternoon Marc Egger (Insius UG), PD Dr. Simon Hegelich (University of Siegen) and Dr. Christian Baden (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem) discussed technical and empirical aspects of media bias. This session was moderated by Professor Detlef Schoder (Executive Director of the Institute for Broadcasting Economics). After that, PD Dr. Jan Eichelberger (University of Freiburg) gave a presentation about media bias, competition law and media law.
At the end of the lecture event there was a panel discussion conducted by Professor Peifer, in which both the audience and Dr. Carsten Brosda (Senate Chancellery Hamburg, department media), Doris Becker (Media Authority North Rhine-Westphalia), Susanne Spiekermann (Director of ARD Conference Commitees) and Professor Volker Lilienthal participated.

Prof. Roland Bornemann:
Rechtlicher Rahmen und Aufsichtspraxis

Marc Egger:
Detektion von Inhaltstypen im Internet Technische Aspekte automatisierter Textklassifikation
Conference 2015
19th June 2015
9:00 am till 5:45 pm
Event location:
Universität zu Köln
Aula 2 (main building)
Albertus-Magnus-Platz 1
50931 Köln (Cologne)
Documents for Download:
Reports: German Version
epd medien - Nr. 26