Heft 300se

Manfred Kops:

The Influence of Market, State and Civil Society on the Media. A Long-Term Study of the German Media System. Short Version,

Cologne, in October 2014, ISBN 978-3-86409-011-0

52 p., Price 12,00 €


The present paper provides insight into a study prepared at the Institute for Broadcasting Economics in a succinct form. Its primary objective consisted of developing a methodology to describe and compare different media systems. The distinguishing feature here is the influence that market, state and civil society exert on the media (Chapter 1). The influence of these three principal provision methods is determined separately for the different media types and the individual value levels of the value-added chains of the media, and subsequently summarized in a weighted average of the German media system (Chapter 2). The changes in the German media system from 1950 to 2020 are thereafter reported in a concise form (Chapter 3). Hence three central findings become evident: 1. State influence on the media over the entire period considered was relatively limited; 2. the number of media types increased throughout the period (“differentiation” of the media); 3. the influence of the market on all media types increased (“commercialization” or “marketization” of the media).

Table of contents:

1. Theoretical Basis
1.1. Market, State and Civil Society as Principal Methodsfor the Provision and Control of the Media
1.2. The Geometry of Hybrid Media Systems
1.3. Optimally Diversified Media Systems as an Allocative Challenge and as an Object of Distributive Conflicts

2. Methodical Implementation
2.1. Measuring the Influences of the Market, the State and Civil Society on the Media
2.2. Media Type Specific Measurement
2.3. Value Level Specific Measurement
2.4. Aggregating the Influences of the Market, the State and Civil Society on the Media, across Media Types and Value Levels

3. Results for the German Media System
3.1. The Development of the German Media System between 1950 and 1983
3.2. The Development of the German Media System between 1984 and 2000
3.3. The Development of the German Media System between 2001 and 2013
3.4. The Development of the German Media System between 2014 and 2020
3.5. The Material German Media System – Typically Classified Ideal
3.6. Summary and Perspective
