Directions & Maps – all roads lead to Cologne
Interactive Map
The map offers an overview over the UoC’s buildings and facilities. Click on a building to find out the institution and address.
Further information
Postal Address
University of Cologne
Albertus Magnus Platz
50923 Cologne
Phone: +49 221 470-0
GPS navigation coordinates: N 50*55.692', E 006*55.741'
Overview of parking on and around campus.
Further information
Auditorium Floor Plans
In order to find the right auditorium or seminar room in the central buildings you simply have to follow this rule: rooms bearing Roman numerals are in most cases located in the Main Building (Hauptgebäude) or the building of the Management, Economics and Social Sciences Faculty (WiSo-Gebäude); auditoriums featuring letters are situated in the Lecture Building (Hörsaalgebäude), whereas rooms with an “S” plus Arabic numerals are in the building of the Arts and Humanities Faculty (Philosophikum), and those with an “R” plus Arabic numerals are found on the premises of the Faculty of Education. Exceptions to this basic rule are, for example, the auditoriums and lecture rooms of the Institutes for Physics and Chemistry.
Further information (German only)
Opening Hours
The diverse University institutions generally set their own opening and office hours. Click here for a list of the central buildings’ opening hours.
Further informationen