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General requirements

Recognition of degrees

In principle, admission to doctoral studies at the University of Cologne requires an above-average degree in an appropriate subject. This university degree should normally be at the level of a Master's degree, which is awarded after at least eight semesters of studies. Only in exceptional cases is a Bachelor's degree sufficient.
The respective Faculty decides whether academic achievements and degrees (especially degrees from foreign universities) are appropriate. In certain cases, it is necessary for you to catch up on courses from the Master's programme before you are admitted to the doctoral studies. Detailed information on admission can be found in the relevant doctoral regulations of the respective Faculty.

For admission to doctoral studies, you must also submit a confirmation of supervision from a member of the respective Faculty who is authorized to supervise doctoral candidates. Further information on this topic can be found under the category Finding a suitable supervisor and Confirmation of supervision and supervision agreement.
Individual graduate schools at the University of Cologne offer pre-doctoral programmes that enable a quick transition from Master's to doctoral studies (e.g. Cologne Graduate School in Management, Economics and Social Sciences and a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School for the Humanities).



Language requirements

The University of Cologne is becoming increasingly accessible to English speakers and English is the academic language at many research institutions. German language skills are not necessarily a prerequisite for starting a doctorate at the University of Cologne. In principle, it is also possible to write and defend the doctoral thesis in English or another language. However, the consent of your supervisor and the approval of the doctoral dissertation committee are required.

If proof of German language skills is required, it is often sufficient to submit it when submitting the dissertation. Further specific language requirements are listed in the doctoral regulations. Some subjects require proof of certain foreign language skills, e.g. Latin, English or knowledge of another European language. You should therefore find out about the language requirements for your subject in good time.

Even if knowledge of German is not a requirement, we would like to encourage you to learn German. Language skills make it easier for you to make new friends and familiarize yourself with the culture.
The International Office offers you a variety of different German courses.