GNU-screen alternative abduco

A GNU screen might sometimes be to much of software. For attaching and de-attaching running terminal sessions there is abduco. It is a good alternative if there is only need for attaching running sessions to pickup them later, as they have finished running its task. abduco provides session management i.e. it allows programs to be run independently from their controlling terminal. That is programs can be detached - run in the background - and then later reattached. abduco serves exactly for that one particular purpose.

Create a new abduco session. Naming the new session is mandatory:

abduco -c session-name your-application

Start running midgnight commander in a abduco session, name the session TEST:

user % abduco -c TEST mc

Using the abduco currently running session, detach the session using CTRL and backslash default *CTRL-* keybinding, if successful abduco will display a notice which session has been detached at the end.

user $ CTRL-\

abduco: TEST: detached

Show detached sessions using abduco command:

user % abduco

Active sessions (on host host) Mon 2022-01-03 20:54:09 emerge Mon 2022-01-03 22:13:53 TEST Mon 2022-01-03 21:14:12 IRC

Attach the TEST session using the -a command line parameter with the session name:

user % abduco -a TEST

If successful, a midnight-commander application will appear. Now press the F10 key in the running mc session to end the session, abduco will again display the name of the session that has ended, and its exit status:

abduco: TEST: session terminated with exit status 0

A tiny GNU/screen like tool, for one purpose. session manager with de-attaching support.

Password strengh checking using cracklib

To check a password strength from the command line on GNU/linux systems, a library especially for this purpose is available in the distribution package manager. This library is called cracklib. cracklib is installed with few python scripts to make the usage of the library easy to use. Below a zsh TAB-completed cracklib- command to show the available scripts that are shipped with cracklib:

user % cracklib-

completing external command cracklib-check cracklib-format cracklib-packer cracklib-unpacker

This is a view installed on a gentoo system. The results on other GNU/linux distribtions may differ with the output above.

Verify the password strength using a one liner on your favourite shell:

user % cracklib-check<<< password password: it is based on a dictionary word

Notice the result of the cracklib-check informing about possible, and weak password usage.

In the case the password that needs to be verified has _ space in it, embed the password in quotation marks " or like shown in the example below in a apostrophe ':

user % cracklib-check<<<'Nur ein Beispiel für ein langes Passwort' Nur ein Beispiel für ein langes Passwort: OK

Notice the result of cracklib-script in the example above informing that the chosen password is OK.

The cracklib-check script allows also interactive usage mode. Using this mode each typed in phrase or password is validated:

user % cracklib-check

Network Network: it is based on a dictionary word CLI CLI: it is WAY too short IS-IS and BGP, is the way to go for me. IS-IS and BGP, is the way to go for me.: OK

Notice the various results based on the input. End this script by typing the CTRL C keyboard sequence in the terminal.

The last example for password strength check is sequence using the in-kernel cryptography. ranpwd is a random password generator using the in-kernel cryptography.

user % ranpwd|cracklib-check g0KK$n0r: OK

There are numerous other password generator tools available for your linux distribution, search for them in the distribution package manager. This example above is to show how to verify the password strength generated by only one of them. Swap the ranpwd with your favourite password generator of your liking.