tmux toggle the status line

As a advanced screen user, then total newbie tmux user, one could be annoyed about the status bar at the bottom if starting up tmux for the first time. This is the default setting in tmux.

This particular explained setting is useful if tmux is running only one instance of only one application and there is no plan to add more to tmux, much like dropping the multiplexer functionality from tmux and running it like screen in the default state.

Set the status bar at the bottom of tmux session to off, make this thing disappear:

tmux set status off

Set the status bar to on, make this thingy visible:

tmux set status on

To show the current status of use following command

tmux show status
Gentoo experimental binary package hosting

On gentoo recently qtwebengine received some recurring updates, also due to rebuilds of dependend packages and depending packages. Now qtwebengine is one of the few very big and longest builds in the portage. This is a big issue for nodes that do not use binhost packages, prebuild packages on other node. And it takes long time if the building node is good enough to build every other portage package, but is just overwhelmed by this particular qtwebengine build, and it would take at least 1 day to build it, even longer. The physical measure over here is an old CPU core2 Intel architecture, which is really cool using suckless or tiny software, and for average stuff like browsing, email, writing code, but to old to build this.

Now, there showed up a new experimental binary hosting for such a purpose. To show how much time has been spent previously on building qtwebengine using a old CPU and a additional distcc node:

user % qlop qtwebengine 2021-10-10T02:42:34 >>> dev-qt/qtwebengine: 16:51:09

That is almost ~17 hours of compiling code, distributed by the way. 2 nodes building the same package.

Now using the gentoo binary hosting, which is using prebuild binary:

user % qlop qtwebengine 2021-12-02T02:04:03 >>> dev-qt/qtwebengine: 1′14″

In gentoo's portage there are of course other few big packages that are officially shipped as binary. But this particular one qtwebengine has not been there and still is not in portage. This is as it says an experiment. Now using it since ~1 week and it is cool.