Soil frost and snow metamorphism simulations for the BALTEX-region with a complex hydro-thermodynamic soil-vegetation scheme |
EURAD, Förderverein des Rheinischen Institutes für Umweltforschung an der Universität zu Köln e.V., Aachener Straße 201-209, 50931 Köln, Tel. +49 221 400 2220 Fax +49 221 400 2320, email: ,
Assoc. Prof. Nicole Mölders Geophysical Institute of the University of Alaska at
Fairbanks (UAF), 903 Koyukuk Drive, Fairbanks, AK 99775-7320,
United States of America, phone: + 1 907 474 7910, fax: + 1
907 474 7290, e-mail:,
BOBA page at UAF
The inclusion of soil frost and snow metamorphism processes is
an urgent need to adequately determine the water
and energy
cycles of the BALTEX region in long-term studies and regional
climate research. In addition, to calculate the hydrological
cycle methods must be devised which allow to initialize
the soil moisture and temperature fields adequately.
Building on largely extended surface and space based
observational data and enhanced computational resources, BOBA
seeks to achieve this goal by a combination of two novel
approaches: (i) the available SVAT scheme HTSVS is to be
enlarged by parameterizations to consider the processes of soil
frost and snow metamorphism, and (ii) advanced data
assimilation techniques are to be developed for HTSVS to allow
an optimized choice of the vertical resolution of the soil and
to initialize soil moisture and soil temperatures. The specific
project aim is to improve the calculation of the energy and
water fluxes of BALTEX-region and to improve a transferability
of the developed model package for use in other regions of the
Project Objectives
Perma-frost exists on a third of the earth's continents.
Furthermore, large parts of the continents are regularly frozen
during winter. Soil frost leads to the freezing of soil-water
and restricts the mobility of soil water. Capillarity,
infiltration as well as percolation are only slightly
effective. The thermic stability, low air temperatures, and the
consequently low saturation pressure of water vapor lead to low
evaporation. Thus, moisture will be stored in frozen soil and
may increase spring peak flood events. In addition, in winter,
of course, transpiration plays a minor role because deciduous
forests already lost their leaves. Moreover, stomatal con
ductivity of coniferous forests is low in winter.
Obviously, if the freezing processes of soils are not
considered in numerical modeling, too high water vapor fluxes
will be predicted as there is seemingly still liquid water
available that, moreover, requires less energy for evaporation
than ice. Since soil frost hinders infiltration of water into
the soil, rain falling onto frozen soil or melting of a snow
package laying over frozen soil contribute to runoff.
Therefore, a prediction of soil frost is an urgent need for cal
culating runoff adequately.
The boundary between an unfrozen upper soil layer and a
frozen deeper soil layer, for instance, may vary within the
diurnal course. The determination of surface water and energy
fluxes is extremely difficult when the exact depth of the
freezing line is unknown. Unfortunately, in regional climate
models as well as in numerical weather prediction, soils cannot
be resolved so fine as to be able to exactly determine the
depth of soil frost if acceptable simulation times are desired.
Therefore, it is an urgent need to examine how coarse the
vertical resolution within soil may be without achieving too
large errors in the accuracy of predicted water and energy
Another important process to be considered in simulating
climate, runoff, water and energy fluxes is snowmelt and
previous snow accumulation. Thus, a physically adequate
formulation of snow metamorphism processes (accumulation,
ablation) is required to guarantee the transferability of the
model to other regions. Snow has an insulating effect. Thus,
the cooling of snow-covered soils will be predicted too high if
snow coverage is neglected. In addition to the water budget,
snow and snowmelt also affect the energy budget, among other
things, due to the change in albedo.
The energy and water fluxes, infiltration, runoff, and
near surface meteorological conditions strongly depend on the
distributions of soil moisture and soil temperatures that have
to be initialized reasonably. Unfortunately, no high resolution
network of these quantities exists so that these quantities
could be initialized without special methods. Therefore, it is
required to develop reasonable methods to provide three-
dimensional initial distributions on the basis of only a few
a. Development of a soil frost and snow metamorphosis
The contribution of University of Alaska
A comprehensive extension of the existing hydro-thermodynamic
soil-vegetation model HTSVS is under way at the University of
Fairbanks. Key issues are the inclusion of a soil frost module and a
snow metamorphism module. (visit the UAF-BOBA page for detailled description).
b. Spatio-temporal inversion as optimization technique
The contribution of RIU at the University of Cologne
Spatio-temporal data assimilation problems are part of
inverse modeling issues. The mathematical background is
provided by both estimation or filtering theory and control
theory. In either case, a prognostic model is a key component
of the algorithm. In the case of sensible causal links between
observed quantities and specific model control parameters, the
solution of parameter optimization problems are admissible by
advanced data assimilation algorithm. In meteorological
practice, the initial values of the prognostic model variables
are of prime interest. It is the four-dimensional variational
data assimilation algorithm (4D-var) and the Kalman filter,
which are theoretically well suited to address the optimization
problem. Talagrand and Courtier (1987) and Courtier and
Talagrand (1987) provided highly influential studies, which
impressively demonstrated the power of the variational
calculus. Numerous follow up studies and research efforts
performed at leading weather centers show the widespread
interest in this method. Due to its extraordinarily high
computational demands, the Kalman filter application has been
mostly restricted to reduced experimental methods. The general
4D-variational scheme is outline in the Figure.
Given suitable observations, control of feedback processes
between a land surface model and an atmospheric model can be
treated as an optimization problem in the framework of advanced
space-time data assimilation methods. According to the nature
of the problem, initial values of soil temperature and soil
moisture can be inferred or parameter identification of unknown
local parameter values can be addressed. The impact was shown
to be dependent on the influence of large-scale forcing.
Despite the large scope of the variational calculus, studies on
the optimization of initial values of soil moisture and soil
temperatures are limited.
The working plan is orientated at the phases (i) model
development and (ii) optimized budget calculations. The
important components for quality assurance and quality control
are the development and application of the soil frost and snow
metamorphism modules and the objective (numerical) analysis of
soil temperatures and soil moisture to improve the
determination of fluxes by means of variational boundary layer
and soil data assimilation. Further, the influence of different
quantities is to be determined by calculation of backward and
forward sensitivities.
During the time of development the work to be performed
includes the development of tangential-linear and adjoint
components as well as the implementation of the complete
assimilation algorithm.
Soil frost processes (freezing, thawing) will be treated
similarly as described in Cherkauer and Lettenmaier (1999) to
avoid inconsistency to the recent state of HTSVS. The parameterization of snow metamorphism will consider accumulation, ablation,
the change in snow density and albedo. The snow mass balance
and snow fraction are to be treated similarly to Yang et al.
The relationships and interactions between the simulated
processes, initial values of soil moisture and soil
temperatures as well as the vertical resolution of the grid
within soil are important for the quality of the simulated
energy and water fluxes at the interface "earth-atmosphere".
Since it is impossible to
resolve the soil infinitely fine and to achieve acceptable
simulation times at the same time, there is an urgent need to
investigate how coarse a resolution can be without obtaining
unacceptably great errors. Such investigations are to be
carried out in a similar way as done by Elbern and Schmidt
(1999). The sensitivity analysis preformed with the adjoint
model will provide valuable clues on which parameters play an
important role for various frost depth. Thus, an optimal
configuration of the vertical grid within the soil may be
determined that, in combination with the mesoscale
meteorological model MM5, allows a good quality of the
simulation in an acceptable simulation time.
In the optimization procedure, the respective measured
quantity is to be the starting point. As pointed out above,
adjoint and tangent-linear versions of MM5 exist (Zou et al.
1997, 1998). MM5 and its tangent-linear and adjoint components
serve as a driver and a test platform. Herein, the planned
tangent-linear and adjoint versions of the HTSVS enlarged by
soil frost and snow metamorphism processes are to be applied.
Observations from NOPEX and LITFASS, snow coverage, surface
moisture and surface temperature determined from satellite data
(e.g., from ENVISAT, NOAA-AVHRR) and - if already available -
data from the BRIDGE campaign will be used.
The planned project will bring together state-of-the-art land-
surface-, tropospheric and hydrologic modeling, data
assimilation, parameter optimization as well as scientific
computing. The proposed work will contribute to important
objectives of BALTEX, namely, the progress of regional process
studies on water and energy fluxes of heterogeneous terrain and
the determination of the water budget of the Baltic watershed.
Furthermore, there are important relations to DEKLIM-BALTEX-
groups (e.g., EVA_GRIPS, BALTIMOS). The suggested project
allows to examine the annual variability of the energy and
water fluxes by developing tools to adequately simulate snow
metamorphism, freezing and thawing in soils. Thus, it
contributes to improve land-surface modeling that is an
essential need in understanding the climate system (GEWEX). The
suggested work will use operational data, data of recent field
campaigns (e.g., NOPEX, LITFASS), ENVISAT-data, data measured
by ZAMF3, and the data that are to be measured in BRIDGE for
either data assimilation or evaluation. It will also lead to
improve data assimilation techniques.
The intended further-development of HTSVS by inclusion of
soil frost and snow metamorphism processes is an important step
forward for the calculation of ground water recharge and
subsurface runoff (Mölders et al. 2000a) because it is based on
a physically closed concept.