European Level

European Commission: DG Environment

Habitats-Directive - Council directive 92/43/EEC (PDF, 204 KB)

European Union Habitats Interpretation Manual (PDF, 735 KB)


National Level (Germany)

Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU)

Federal Nature Conservation Act (PDF, 288 KB)

BMU-Website on nature protection / biological diversity (in German)

BMU-Website on the Habitats-Directive (in German)

BMU-News on Natura2000 (in German)

Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) (in German)

BfN-Website on Natura2000 (in German)

BfN-Map of the proposed protected sites in Germany (PDF, 222 KB)


Regional / Local Level (North Rhine-Westphalia, NRW)

Ministry for Environment and Nature Conservation, Agriculture and Consumer Protection of North
Rhine-Westphalia (MUNLV) (in German)

Official text of the law on "Protection of the Natural Environment and the Development of the
Landscape" - Landschaftsgesetz NRW (PDF, 124 KB, in German)

MUNLV-Website on Nature Conservation (in German)

MUNLV-Information system on Natura2000 (in German)

MUNLV-Brochure on habitats and species of the Habitats-Directive
in North Rhine-Westphalia (PDF, 19,6 MB, in German)

State Agency for Ecology, Land Reform and Forestry in NRW (LÖBF) (in German)

"Kriterien zur Auswahl der FFH- und Vogelschutzgebiete für das europäische
Schutzgebietssystem Natura2000" by Dr. Brocksieper und Dr. Woike / LÖBF
(PDF, 1,9 MB, in German)

Local Government Cologne (in German)

Department 51 (Landscape, Fishery), Directorate 05 (Environment, Consumer
Protection, Transport, Employment Protection) of the Local Government Cologne
on Natura2000 (in German)


Non-Governmental Organisations

BUND - Bund für Naturschutz Deutschland - Friends of the Earth Germany

BUND-Regional Association North-Rhine Westphalia (in German)

BUND-Website on the Habitats-Directive in North-Rhine Westphalia (in German)

NABU - Naturschutzbund Deutschland e.V. - German Nature Conservation Association (in German)

NABU-Website of the NABU on the Habitats-Directive (in German)

IUCN - The World Conservation Union

IUCN - Regional Office for Europe - The European Habitats Forum (EHF)