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Beatrix Busse elected Chair of the Forum Board FOREU4ALL of the European Universities alliances

As newly elected board chair of the European Universities alliances funded by the Erasmus+ programme, Beatrix Busse represents the alliances’ national, European, and global interests, while promoting joint education and research initiatives.

Professor Dr Beatrix Busse

Professor Dr Beatrix Busse

Professor Dr Beatrix Busse, the University of Cologne’s Vice-Rector for Teaching and Studies, was elected as inaugural Board Chair of FOREU4All by the General Forum of all European Universities alliances. FOREU4All is a consortium comprised of 65 alliances that are funded within the framework of the Erasmus+ European Universities initiative. 

As Chair, Beatrix Busse will play a formative role in the strategic direction of FOREU4ALL and represent all European Universities alliances on the wider European platform. 

The FOREU4All project was selected by the European Commission in 2024 in a competitive process to build a Community of Practice for the European Universities alliances. On the one hand, the aim is to exchange good practices ranging from practical questions European Universities alliances face daily to the development and realization of joint degrees and excellent research projects. On the other hand, FOREU4All seeks to represent the common interests of the European Universities alliances. As flagships for the strategic development of universities, the European Universities alliances carry the potential to transform the European Higher Education and Research Area and impact society with measures such as climate protection in urban areas. 

The University of Cologne coordinates the European University for Well-Being (EUniWell), and Beatrix Busse has served as its Chief Development Officer since 2020.

In Beatrix Busse’s words: “I am delighted that, together, we can shape the future of the 65 European Higher Education alliances on this crucial world stage. We will promote educational transformation and strengthen the European Research and Education Area.” 

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Dr Graham Harrison

Managing Director EUniWell

+49 0221 470 76693

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Antonia Sanke

Event Manager EUniWell

+49 160 4052 442

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