Have your voice heard: doctoral representatives
Each Faculty of the University of Cologne appoints two doctoral representatives. These serve as contact for all doctoral candidates within their respective Faculty and express their needs and interests.
Although doctoral representatives do not constitute a formal status group at the University of Cologne, their representatives work closely with the Albertus Magnus Center and participate in several regular meetings. Thus, they form an important connection between doctoral candidates as a whole, the Albertus Magnus Center, the Deans and the Rectorate.
All current doctoral representatives may be contacted via e-mail through amc-docrep@uni-koeln.de.
Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences
Mr Tom Brinker
Ms Sofia Molot
Faculty of Law
Mr Marc Castendiek
Ms Julia Alida Müschen
Faculty of Medicine
Mr Jan Werner
Ms Liza Maus
Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Ms Julia Becker
Ms Vanessa Ossino
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Ms Linda Maßon
Mr Stefan Schöttle
Faculty of Human Sciences
Ms Susanne Fodor
Ms Christin Kupitz