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Follow-up funding for two Collaborative Research Centres at the University of Cologne

The German Research Foundation (DFG) has extended the funding of two Collaborative Research Centres (CRC) in the fields of linguistics and neuroscience

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Two Collaborative Research Centres involving the University of Cologne will receive funding from the German Research Foundation (DFG) for a further funding period. The CRCs will receive funds totalling approximately 28 million euros, of which 24,4 million euros will remain at the University of Cologne. The remaining funds go to the collaboration partners. 

“Collaborative Research Centres are of great importance to our university because they address complex research questions of a long-term nature. The extended funding shows that our scholars and scientists have already done valuable work. I wish them every success for the rest of the funding period and would like to thank everyone involved, especially the speakers, for their commitment,” said Professor Dr Joybrato Mukherjee, Rector of the University of Cologne.

CRC 1451 ‘Key mechanisms of motor control in health and disease’:

In the Collaborative Research Centre ‘Key mechanisms of motor control in health and disease’, neuroscientists from different disciplines are working together to investigate the genetic factors as well as cellular, synaptic and neural processes underlying motor control in animals and humans. In this way, they aim to better understand the mechanisms underlying motor control both in health and neurological and psychiatric disorders and provide the basis for innovative therapies. The CRC will be funded for a second period of four years.

The speaker for the Collaborative Research Centre is neurologist and neuroscientist Professor Dr Gereon Rudolf Fink. Fink is also director of the Clinic and Polyclinic for Neurology, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and a member of the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina. He said: “The extended funding is a great success for our neurosciences and the entire consortium. The funding will allow us to intensify our successful work over the next four years to develop a model of motor control that explains disease-related motor control dysfunction and thus helps to develop new therapeutic strategies for neurological and psychiatric disorders in the long term.”

In addition to the University of Cologne, Forschungszentrum Jülich, the Max Planck Institute for Metabolism Research, the Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing, the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) as well as Goethe University Frankfurt, the University of Münster and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem are also involved in the CRC.

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CRC 1252 ‘Prominence in Language’:

In the CRC ‘Prominence in Language’, researchers are working on a comprehensive characterization and modelling of prominence, a principle in linguistic organization. Linguists and researchers from other disciplines investigate how prominence relations are realized and processed in different languages in terms of prosody (elements of speech features apart from the phonetic level such as intonation, sentence melody or speech tempo), morphosyntax and semantics as well as text and discourse structure. The CRC thus provides important basic research for a better understanding of language as a system between communication and cognition. Over the next four years, a total of twenty sub-projects will continue research into prominence in language at the University of Cologne for the third and final funding period.

Speaker Professor Dr Petra Schumacher said: “We are very pleased about the extended funding, as it will allow us to systematically research the principle of prominence in larger discourses and dialogues over the next four years, and also to make an important contribution to the promotion of early-career researchers within the framework of the various sub-projects.”

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Press and Communications Team:

Jan Voelkel

+49 221 470 2356