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Training & networking offers for doctoral candidates

(First Stage Researchers, R1)

The offers of the Albertus Magnus Center provide skills for the successful completion of the doctorate and prepare for a variety of career options within and outside academia. Numerous interdisciplinary training courses as well as networking and information events are available for this purpose. These are free of charge and open to all doctoral candidates at the University of Cologne.

In addition to the events listed here specifically for doctoral students, you will find many other offers in the Further Education Program of the University of Cologne in which you can participate.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us at

Prospective doctoral candidates

Scientific Work

Presenting and Communicating

Career Planning and Orientation

Leadership and Management

Self Management

More Recommended Offers

E-Learning Offers

Our e-learning courses offer you the opportunity to take advantage of compactly developed further training courses regardless of time and place.