Consultant (external)
Institute for Broadcasting Economics
E-mail: manfred.kops(at)
Curriculum Vitae
List of Publications

Pohligstr. 1, 50969 Köln (Cologne)
3rd floor, room 3.11
E-Mail: rundfunkoekonomie(at)

Prof. Dr. Detlef Schoder
Managing Director
Department of Information Systems and Information Management
Pohligstr. 1, 50969 Köln (Cologne)
Phone: +49 221 470-5325
Consultations: By arrangement with sekretariat(at)
E-Mail: schoder(at)
Curriculum Vitae & Selected Publications

Prof. Dr. Johannes Münster
Staatswissenschaftliches Seminar
Universitätsstr. 22a, 50923 Köln (Cologne)
Phone: +49 221 470-4411
Building 102 (SSC), 4th floor, room 328
E-Mail: johannes.muenster(at)
Curriculum Vitae
Selected Publications