A simple zsh function to upload pictures or other files to a free image hosting service.

In example the https://0x0.st pastebin service is used. For syntax example visit the website:

user % lynx https://0x0.st

HTTP POST files here:
    curl -F'file=@yourfile.png' http://0x0.st
You can also POST remote URLs:
    curl -F'url=http://example.com/image.jpg' http://0x0.st


Edit the ~/.zshrc file and a function called 0x0, to upload a file to the picture hosting service.

function 0x0(){
        # syntax for calling function without mandatory file
        readonly file=${1:?" Syntax: 0x0 picture.png"}
        # upload the file
        echo "Uploading file to 0x0.st..."
        curl -F'file=@'$1'' https://0x0.st

After adding the function to the .zshrc file in $HOME, source the .zshrc file to load its new settings:

user % source ~/.zshrc

Testing new function usage by uploading a file called gentoo-larry.png:

user % 0x0 gentoo-larry.png

Uploading picture to 0x0.st... https://0x0.st/oORV.png