TinyCore linux distribution ships a syslog server with busybox but there is no way to start is to act as a syslog server listening to an TCP/IP socket. I needed to find a workaround how to implement a simple syslog server. It does only 2 things it is listening on UPD port 514 to receive messages and store them in a file so every message that is send to UDP port 514 will be stored in the /tmp/syslog file. To use socat to act as a syslog server use following command:

user % socat -u udp4-listen:514,bind=, open:/tmp/syslog,creat,append

Any IP packets arriving on the port 514 wil be logged to /tmp/syslog file. The service has been bound to a specific IP address here To verify the syslog server is started and has been bound to the specified address use following command:

root # netstat -tulpen | egrep 'Add|514'

Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program name udp 0 0* 2069/socat

The output shows the syslog server is bound to an IP address, and is listening on the configured port for incoming notifications. Making a daemon starting on bootup is described here Over here I have edited the /opt/bootlocal.sh file and added the socat command as written before

user % socat -u udp4-listen:514,bind=, open:/tmp/syslog,creat,append

The file has been backed up with the filetool command:

user % filetool.sh -b

And after a restart of the tinycore machine the service was running bound to the configured IP interface.